Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Network news is Dead

You know, I started the evening by putting on MSNBC. It was going to be an interesting night at the republican convention and I wanted to catch their "color commentary".

I was absolutely shocked by what I saw and heard.

Instead of the discussion of political positions, background on the candidates and informative news on both red and blue candidates that I expected, I was treated to a group of talking heads spewing vitriol and challenges at the potential VP candidate. What ever happened to intelligent news? These people aren't news broadcasters, they're just packaging their own personal views as news and then ramming it down our throats as if it was law!

So I turned to Fox News. Why not? I keep hearing that NBC is in the pocket of the democratic national committee so lets see what their antithesis is saying.

It was just as bad.

Under the guise of "interviews", these broadcasters would ask questions and then interrupt the interviewee by spewing their own views as the answer. Then they would berate the guest for not answering or for wavering.

I turned to CSPAN. Thank g-d there's somewhere you can go to see what's happening and get an unbiased view. There are no commentators.

I'll never watch network news again. At least not without questioning absolutely everything they report.

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